There are a lot of ROS tutorials out there. This is the simplest one.
This tutorial demonstrates how to build a ROS “Hello world” executable written in C++ without getting into the details of ROS packages, workspaces, launchfiles, or other best practices. This tutorial is meant to demonstrate the bare minimum of what is required to interact with a ROS system. It is not meant to be an example of good ROS development practices, but rather is meant to be useful for someone new to ROS and software development in general.
Unlike most tutorials, this tutorial intends to teach you about ROS instead of just getting you to run some pre-defined programs. As such, very little will be explained preemptively to avoid errors. This is because you will always encounter errors. Not just when using ROS, but with any system. Instead, this tutorial welcomes errors because they present opportunities to explain how to recover from errors.
NOTE: This tutorial was written for the ROS Hydro Distribution. Assuming the commands are still accurate, if you wish to follow this tutorial with a different distribution of ROS, any time
is mentioned, simply replace it with the shortname for that distribution.
- A computer running a recent Ubuntu Linux1 LTS (long-term support) installation
- Minimal experience with the Linux and the command-line interface
- Minimal experience with C++
Tools Used
- Ubuntu Linux1
- The bash shell2
- C++3
- The GNU Compiler Collection (GCC)4
- Any plain-text editor (I like vim5).
ROS Packages Used
Number of Windows Needed
- Browser for these instructions
- Window for your text editor
- Terminal to run
- Terminal to run
- Terminal to run introspection commands like
- Introduction
- Installing ROS (if it hasn’t already been installed)
- Compile the simplest ROS (C++) program
- Run the simplest ROS (C++) program (and fail)
- Run the simplest ROS (C++) program (and succeed)
- Inspecting the simplest ROS (C++) program
- Distributed Logging with rosconsole
- Play Around
- Conclusion
Installing ROS (if it hasn’t already been installed)
For Ubuntu Linux, you can follow the following instructions, for other Linux platforms, see the main ROS installation instructions. As of the writing of this tutorial, ROS packages are only built with the Debian package management system6. This makes it easy to install on debian-based Linux distributions like Ubuntu.
Add the ROS Binary Package Repository
First, add the binary package repository hosted on to your sysmtem. This will allow you to locate pre-compiled ROS packages, and only needs to be done once, but is idempotent:
sudo sh -c 'echo "deb $(lsb_release -cs) main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ros-latest.list'
Next, get the PGP public key. This also only needs to be done once and is also idempotent.This will let you verify that your ROS packages are actually coming from and not some malicious middle-man. This is done automatically whenever you install a package from
wget -O - | sudo apt-key add -
Install the Base ROS Packages
First, update the binary package index. This should be done whenever you want to make sure your system knows about the latest versions of binary packages available:
sudo apt-get update
Finally, install the base ROS packages from the ROS “Hydromedusa” distribution:
sudo apt-get install ros-hydro-ros-base
There are lots of other ROS packages available to install, but for this tutorial you only need a few of the “core” packages. To see the list of currently available binary packags, their versions, and build status, you can see the ROS debian package build status page.
After you’ve installed the pre-requisites listed above, you can create a
new directory for this tutorial. You can call this directory anything you want,
but in this case, we’ll call it hello_world_tutorial
and make it anywhere. Then, enter
the directory:
mkdir hello_world_tutorial
cd hello_world_tutorial
The first step is writing the simplest C++ program that can interact with ROS
in a meaningful way. All it does is announce itself to the ROS
Master as a ROS node
called hello_world_node
, then broadcast a Hello-world message over the
standard /rosout
topic, and then wait for a SIGINT
or ctrl-c
This program will be built from single file named hello_world_node.cpp
the following contents:
// Include the ROS C++ APIs
#include <ros/ros.h>
// Standard C++ entry point
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
// Announce this program to the ROS master as a "node" called "hello_world_node"
ros::init(argc, argv, "hello_world_node");
// Start the node resource managers (communication, time, etc)
// Broadcast a simple log message
ROS_INFO_STREAM("Hello, world!");
// Process ROS callbacks until receiving a SIGINT (ctrl-c)
// Stop the node's resources
// Exit tranquilly
return 0;
Compile the simplest ROS (C++) program
Since we’re building a program with C++, we need to compile it into an
executable that we can actually run. In this very simple case, this can be
done by invoking g++
directly with the following build command (make sure
to get all of it):
g++ hello_world_node.cpp -o hello_world_node -I/opt/ros/hydro/include -L/opt/ros/hydro/lib -Wl,-rpath,/opt/ros/hydro/lib -lroscpp -lrosconsole -lrostime
If you are unfamiliar with command-line usage of g++, the arguments passed to g++
have the following meanings:
The source file(s) to compile-o hello_world_node
The name of the output file (the executable, in this case)-I/opt/ros/hydro/include
An instruction to look for C++ header files in/opt/ros/hydro/include
An instruction to look for static libraries in/opt/ros/hydro/lib
An instruction to look for shared libraries in/opt/ros/hydro/lib
Link against the
(ROS C++ bindings)-lrosconsole
Link against the
(ROS distributed logging)-lrostime
Link against the
(ROS time measurement)
Run the simplest ROS (C++) program (and fail)
After successfully compiling the program, you can run it right away.
If you’ve been following this tutorial verbatim, then you’ll get an error message of some sort. While you might only get one of these errors, you should read through all of them because it will help you recognize common problems in the future.
ERROR: ROS_MASTER_URI is not defined (Bad Environment)
[FATAL] [1392021564.231775029]: ROS_MASTER_URI is not defined in the
environment. Either type the following or (preferrably) add this to your
~/.bashrc file in order set up your local machine as a ROS master:
export ROS_MASTER_URI=http://localhost:11311
then, type 'roscore' in another shell to actually launch the master program.
This error means that you haven’t sourced one of the ROS setup files, but
this is a common mistake among novices. Specifically, you’re missing the
environment variable, which is set by one of these setup files.
Running ROS programs requires them to agree on a few specific things. One of these things is on which machine and which port the ROS Master is running. The ROS master is what enables ROS nodes to find each-other and communicate. As such, any ROS nodes which are meant to talk to each-other need to announce themselves to the same ROS master.
As the helpful error message describes, declaring with which ROS master any ROS
programs you run should talk is done by exporting the ROS_MASTER_URI
environment variable. The suggestion given by the error message also happens
to be the default if you properly source the ROS setup files.
Instead of doing what the error message tells you (why should you do what an
error message says?), you can source one of the standard ROS setup files to
and other important variables to your currently running
source /opt/ros/hydro/
If you want this to be available in each new shell you create, you should add
the above line to the bottom of your shell’s
runcom file
like .bashrc
if you’re using bash
. The .bashrc
file is located in your
home directory and is executed each time you open a new shell.
At this point, you can try running hello_world_node
ERROR: Failed to contact master (Good Environment, but no ROS Master)
[ERROR] [1392014787.460431497]: [registerPublisher] Failed to contact master at [localhost:11311]. Retrying...
This error is reported if you’ve properly set up your ROS environment variables
but you haven’t run roscore. The roscore
serves a few functions including running the ROS
Master which, as was explained above, is what
enables ROS nodes to find each-other and communicate. In this case,
is looking for a ROS Master on the local machine, localhost
and on the default port, 11311
, and no ROS Master is replying.
This is an easily solved problem. All that you need to do, is open a new
shell with the appropriate environment, and run roscore
ERROR: command not found: roscore (Fool Me Twice…)
If you open a new shell and get an error like command not found: roscore
this is because you haven’t sourced the ROS setup files in the new shell, as
is described in the previous section. In addition to setting ROS_MASTER_URI
and other ROS_*
environment variables, the ROS setup files also extend some
standard UNIX environment variables such as PATH
Unlike most programs installed to your system (which are put in /usr/bin
similar), ROS binaries are installed to /opt/ros/$ROS_DISTRO/bin
. This allows
installation of more than one ROS distribution on a single machine without
causing conflicts.
As you might imagine, roscore
is normally installed to
, and when you source
, it adds /opt/ros/hydro/bin
to your $PATH
environment variable.
Once your roscore
is running, proceed to the next step.
Run the simplest ROS (C++) program (and succeed)
In the original shell in which you were trying to run hello_world_node
, try
running it again, now that the roscore
is running in the other window:
If everything goes well, you should see this hopeful message:
[ INFO] [1392020655.967763511]: Hello, world!
Leave the node running, and proceed to the next step.
Inspecting the simplest ROS (C++) program
In a new shell with a proper environment, you can now inspect your node running in the first shell with standard ROS command-line tools.
One of the simplest, rosnode
, is a command-line program for listing and
querying information about ROS nodes. For example, the info
subcommand will
give you all the metadata ROS knows about a given node. You can get the info
for hello_world_node
like so:
rosnode info /hello_world_node
This will give you information similar to the following:
Node [/hello_world_node]
* /rosout [rosgraph_msgs/Log]
Subscriptions: None
* /hello_world_node/set_logger_level
* /hello_world_node/get_loggers
contacting node http://localhost:55332/ ...
Pid: 22598
* topic: /rosout
* to: /rosout
* direction: outbound
* transport: TCPROS
Note that if you ctrl-c
in the other window, and try to re-run
this command, you will see something similar to the following:
Node [/hello_world_node]
Publications: None
Subscriptions: None
Services: None
cannot contact [/hello_world_node]: unknown node
Distributed Logging with rosconsole
Simple as it may be, hello_world_node
is actually doing much more than announcing
itself to the ROS master and then outputting “Hello, world!” to the
command-line. This is actually being broadcast to any other ROS nodes which have
subscribed to the standard ROS log message topic7 called /rosout
To see this, first make sure hello_world_node
is still running. Then, run
the following rostopic
command in another window to display any messages
on the /rosout
rostopic echo /rosout
In the window running rostopic
, you should now see the content of a single
message beneath the rostopic
command, with content similar to the following:
seq: 0
secs: 1392025231
nsecs: 354360393
frame_id: ''
level: 2
name: /hello_world_node
msg: Hello, world!
file: hello_world_node.cpp
function: main
line: 11
topics: ['/rosout']
This is the ROS message generated by the ROS_INFO_STREAM(...)
command in
! You’ve just transmitted your first ROS message
from a publisher (hello_world_node
) to a subscriber (rostopic
You’ll notice that this message contains far more than just the string
passed to ROS_INFO_STREAM(...)
, it also contains metadata about on which
line and in which function the message was generated. This can be very useful
both when debugging your own code, or when inspecting errors in code
written by others.
What might be surprising is that the rostopic echo
command received the log
message long after it was sent. This might prompt questions about where this
message was stored between the time ROS_INFO_STREAM()
was called and when
rostopic echo
was started. The answer is that ROS topic publishers can
optionally buffer the last message and send it out to any new subscribers once
they establish the connection.
If you tried running these two programs in reverse (first rostopic echo
then hello_world_node
), there’s a chance that the “Hello, world!” message
gets sent before rostopic echo
has enough time to establish a connection to
. This isn’t a bug or problem with ROS, however, since ROS
topics use a publish/subscribe communication pattern8, and such
patterns aren’t meant to be used for synchronous communication.
Play Around
Now that you’ve been given some tools, play around with different messages and
the rosnode
and rostopic
tools. Note that both of these tools have built-in
documentation that you can read by passing the --help
argument in the
following way:
rostopic --help
rostopic echo --help
This tutorial has hopefully introduced you to some of the core ROS concepts
like the ROS master, ROS nodes, and distributed logging with rosconsole and the
topic. Additionally, it has hopefully introduced you to how ROS libraries
are installed on a Linux system, which environment variables are needed to use
those libraries, and how to set those environment variables with the provided ROS
setup files.