There are a bunch of URLs which I plan on citing a lot in my Jekyll pages, and using kramdown’s markdown citation syntax you can do this very easily by including a common markdown file at the bottom of a given post’s file. This will only add citations to the bottom of your post if you reference them. This is similar to having a common bibtex file across multiple academic papers.
The References File
First, create a file at _includes/
with contents like the following:
The Citing Posts
Then when you have a post that cites one of your common references, you can just refer to it like so:
In this case, since the post only referrs to [^ros]
and not [^catkin]
, only
the ROS citation will show up in the references section. You can also avoid
cluttering the common
file with references which are
specific to a single post by simply adding them after the include
in-line in the post like you would normally.